Friday, November 23, 2007

i'm feeling a feeling that's outwardly indistinguishable from ennui, but not really that; rather, it's more a world-weariness arising from my grappling with big issues of Why Am I Here and What's The Bloody Point Of Life Anyway. if not for the support of my pals i probably wouldn't be here, i'd be chewing my arm off in an institution.

possibly the most exciting thing that happened in my life the last 24 hours was the lift jerking to a stop and then (in daniel ong's immortal words) "plunging a few feet". yeah us two were stuck in the lift for maybe half a minute (the block H lift; we were going up to the library to mug) - it was midway between level 3 & 4 before it ground to an ominous halt. and the display board showed level 6 lol. (there isn't a level 6). when the thing finally deigned to open the door and let us out at level 3 there was a split-second lag-time when freedom hadn't registered on our minds; then we both chionged out of the lift door of doom. and took the stairs for the rest of the day.

spent the whole of yesterday mugging h3 aside from a bit of lit and meeting up with adam after his paper. (thx, man.) that's it, really.

looking forward to the end and the YO concert and... long boredom. what's the quote from THT... "maybe boredom is erotic", something like that. not for me it ain't.



Blogger char said...

that's because you aren't a woman, doing it for a man?

hullo rayner I have arrived upon your blog too! :D

11/24/2007 9:01 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

hello char!

oh shit yeah i forgot the next part of the quote. (took me a couple of minutes to figure out that cryptic comment =D)

11/24/2007 11:21 am  
Blogger homegirl said...

Sekritly I have always wanted to get stuck in the rj lift (for just a short while heh). Cos I wanted to see the numbers change to floors that don't exist :P

11/24/2007 3:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol dee thats damn deprived. besides it happens all the time with the staff room lift, or the one outside 7-11.

11/24/2007 4:43 pm  

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