Thursday, February 07, 2008

cny/other stuff

yeah fine, i concede, it's shagged not shack; and it's not tautological, merely redundant, which nevertheless doesn't make it any less a sin.


happy cny all! am busy stuffing myself & pigging out with all the usual cny junk food - pineapple tarts, random cookies, bak kwa, chocs, nuts, ice cream... basically making up for lost time. and i have this thing for fruit teas now, strangely. used to hate tea but now i'm taking sth like 2 cups of blackcurrant or blueberry a day and 1 of coffee. some amazing viennese coffee blend or sth like that - really blows.

hoping my weight doesn't balloon to wally-level (80+kg O.o) and kill my l33t 2.4/IPPT/general fitness progress. must go running or sth to assuage my conscience.


in other news... princeton interview tmrw and yale interview on saturday. for princeton i'm getting interviewed by some visiting director at the LKY school of public policy who's a fellow with the brookings institution (gulp!) which is quite frankly overkill, and borderline intimidation. bit scary. but i guess having an interview means the university hasn't thrown my application out straightaway, which is something. the yale interview is with this director with some consultancy firm or sth, not nearly as mindblowing but still approaching that. as i'm quite brain-dead now i am in some doubt about my ability to hold my end of the interview without falling into conversational potholes, TOTT (tip of the tongue) syndrome and stuff like that - much less be insightful, incisive, and intelligent. hrmph we'll see how it goes. just hoping to leave a positive impression.

going visiting later - my mom's extended family. cos she's the only one with one kid everytime the angpows go around i lose out cos she has to give out like 2 or 3 and only gets one in return haha. sucks to be an only child. will have to say sth to my grandma in chinese and she'll say sth about me not understanding her teochew and i'll look sheepish. embarrassing family ritual lol.

basically i'm now reading the newspapers and economist and finding out what's been happening, banging out stuff on the piano, and generally getting my life into some semblance of normalcy. which will be blasted to smithereens again come sunday, 2115 hours, at pasir ris bus interchange.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fine agreed. I'm in no state to argue lol. It's been a fucked up week. Hopefully you get some semblance of normalcy back at least for awhile. I will remain silent when you start growing extra limbs.


2/08/2008 12:17 am  

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