The Stranger/What I want for Christmas
Introducing the new link down the right: The Stranger - Seattle's Only Newspaper. Not for the faint-hearted. The articles are hilarious, if you can take their humour. I especially recommend the I, Anonymous (written by an anonymous reader each week) and Last Days (day-by-day summary of the week's news) columns. And Savage Love if you're the kind of person who, like Adam, likes to read filthy sex-advice columns. Beware, I read a couple of them and came out with the impression that I have the libido of a neutered amoeba. Highly recommended.
And zomg you won't believe this. I want herpes for Christmas. I mean this herpes simplex virus 2 plush toy.

It's freaking cute! Go check out the website, they've got stuffed toys for flu, chickenpox, sperm, neurons, mosquitos, and of course the venereals. Who would've thought that getting gonorrhea would be so cool? (Taken out of context the last sentence sounds incredibly disturbing.) I was so interested that I checked the shipping charges, which unfortunately are astronomical (US$43). And is basically out of stock alr. =( Oh well.
Crikey. Damn cool to get a set of STD plush toys... lmao.
I could purchase Herpes for you. :) Pick a size!
- sab
(this is a secret, I am coming home sometime soon. But my family doesn't know. Don't tell.)
wow evil sabby... don't worry i won't tell!
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