Saturday, December 08, 2007


right. time to oust that previous post from its top spot. i think in time i'll be able to laugh at it. not quite there yet though.


watched vln competition yesterday - jon lee told me about it. missed lee ning (damn!) but watched from outside. solid bruch. couldn't hear the bartok very well, it was the speakers' fault defn not hers.

went in for the second quarter-finalist. ouch i dun think the second one would have passed grade 8 -.- or the last two - quite bad. sigh. heard the junior and intermediate were even worse. gosh.

junqi was good, alan was amazing (that bach was awesome) and the judges stopped him at the tzigane orchestral entry lol which means he could have played without an accompanist at all. she was just sitting pretty the whole time lmao.

artist category wasn't too bad but many of them attacked bach with sheer vengeance, carving knives and all. performing bach badly is really just wrong; it's like pissing on a tombstone.

if you're a violinist (or cellist, or pianist) who can't play bach, there's just this element of musicality that's somehow lacking. something not quite right. alan's bach partita was really clean, intonation almost perfect, articulation crisp but not overdone... bow control a tiny bit wobbly though which was i think the only spot on a really solid bach. fantastic. you don't often hear that kind of performance - i think i was holding my breath.

confession: i can't play bach myself. my technique sucks. should go sort out a couple of partitas besides tackling the beethovens - waldstein and lebewohl/les adieux.

i must rant about the utter arsewipes who were sitting behind me. some mom brought her 3 kids down or whatever, making a crapload of noise stamping on the sucky recital studio floor and chatting, that kind of thing. and for someone who gets pissed off when shaggy breathes too loudly during concerts, that was sheer hell. lots of people (including me) were giving them stares of utter fury. bastards. thank goodness she had the decency to bring them out after the 4th perf (i think that was after alan). although the quality after that wasn't really good lah. /rant.


damn. should get started on the uni apps.



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