Sunday, September 16, 2007

prelims progress report 2

I gouged my RH middle finger another 2 times over the last week, same place, at the knuckle, same music, the gaudeamus igitur part... brahms' revenge i guess rofl. didn't bother cleaning off the piano this time though. and i found out about it only after i'd smeared blood over my LH. now its a small ugly festering thing on my knuckle.

whee wasn't that a wonderful way to start?

i have discovered a cool piece though, alt-wien (old vienna) from the triakontameron by godowsky. lovely languid thing, even though its in Gb major and therefore sucked when i sight-read it.

maths blew my mind... demoralising after all the prep that went in there. couldn't do the erratum question, or qn 3, or... i think quite a few others. ran out of time. and then after the paper i spontaneously realised how to do most of the qns i skipped. wtf maths dept switching the terms round in the MI question just for freaking laughs. i swear i can do MI - just not backwards (although that's a pretty feeble protest after the fact!)

human geog was fine, the last DRQ required massive smoking but otherwise nothing unexpected... if physical geog behaves itself something tells me I'm into something good...

imagining other worlds (lit) was a laugh... we all spotted setting partly cos we thought he'd hinted at it quite a lot, and partly cos xy pointed that out haha. when we were checking the pages xy turned round and his face was priceless i swear. lmao if not for the tragedy - setting didn't come out wtfshit... got some qn on "the outsider" and the one i did, about gender issues, which ended up being about love and sex - half of it was off topic. screwit. oh the irony.

just 3 papers left before i can sod all and get pissed or something.



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