Tuesday, December 11, 2007

walk in the park.

so i woke up at 6:30 this morning, went out and ran along bedok canal from my house right up to bedok reservoir - to and fro and back about 1 + 1.2 + .8 + 1.2 + 1 + .4km bonus for running UP & DOWN the blasted cyclist bridge over PIE, TWICE =) that makes about 5k in half an hour (excluding walking to the canal and bits of walking in between, admiring the kingfishers and egrets). which i guess is ok for someone who never exercises. this is my third morning run, ever - i did about 3+km on fri and again on sun. and i swear i'll reach ~10km by christmas. plan: this routine + the 4km along bedok reservoir.

the scenery is... decent. i mean, if you're sleepy and its really early morning dawn light and you reaaaaaaally can't see well and you just flick your eyes across it for half a blink, bedok canal kinda looks like the seine in paris. (don't laugh) theres this condo which is faintly remniscent of some paris apartments, in the sense that they're both sandstone and have blue roofs.

that canal smells of seawater; every canal in singapore probably smells of seawater at high tide. in december there're koels whooping in the trees; white-throated kingfishers, iridescent opal with ridiculously huge beaks that look like some rotting dead flower; little egrets - the small white kind with a really fetching stooped pose and a majestic wingspan; and tiny hunched grey-brown egrets (can't rmb the name). all of them (except the koels) sitting and attempting to catch i dunno what in the hopeless silty water. futility ftw. takes my mind off the running. really cool.


i've finally sight-read the entire les adieux... the third mvmt is kinda icky, just lots of arpeggios on the I and V of Eb major. not as great as i'd hoped. 1st and 2nd make it pretty worthwhile though.

and then i summoned up the courage to go directly into waldstein. my best waldstein ever, except i haven't quite worked out the 'turkish' triplet section in the 3rd mvmt to muscle-spasm skill level. and i still need to figure out the octave gliss. other than that, not that bad actually, just need to pract.

got a nice sense of achievement now.

ok 5th day of procrastinating over uni apps awaits.



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