Sunday, February 10, 2008

last words/thoughts

oh well. had a good CNY break. every moment was precious lol. this is what happened yesterday:

Yale interview (1100-1245): the guy grilled me on govt policy, esp market failure and that sort of thing, issues of fairness. he had lots of axes to grind with public transport pricing (MRT, buses and taxis) lol. 1 and a half hours plus... no joke. and I was trying to defend my position that the govt's policies are basically pretty sound, but i had no chance haha. didn't come off too badly I hope/guess. other than that he did evaluate the other unis I applied to and told me candidly that LSE's standards had slipped a lot - gave me a rundown of their history too. really well-informed. these interviews help a lot.

Class dinner/tea (1330-1600): was fun, and great meeting up with everyone again - ok not everyone, but 10 people. DC picked a pretty posh place - marmalade pantry at palais renaissance - the food was decent and the cakes were good. club sandwich and NY cheesecake for me; that came up to almost 30 bucks with service charge O.o almost all the girls are working in cool places wow, and us guys were just regaling them with the usual NS horror stories. oh well. just great seeing some old classmates, we should have another one next month after PoP.

Movie (1700-1900) and dinner (1900-2030): ahhh best pals, zh remus and me. organised by zh, pity shaggy had stuff on -.- it would have been great, us four back together again.

lol zh won't get to see this since he's alr left home for book-in, but it was huge fun. sweeney todd is a classic tale and a fantastic musical, nvr seen it before but had pretty high expectations. the beginning was promising, brilliant camera work and enhancement so everything looks incredibly bleak and grim - except for the blood. massive blood-fest. i was rather callously chugging popcorn all the way lol.

pity that (according to zh) they cut lots of music from it. it did feel rather disappointing; we were left with a one-dimensional portrayal of todd, a rather flat and unamusing mrs lovett... didn't even find out what happened to anthony and johanna in the end. average-to-lousy singing too. but it has fantastic evocative music that just throws you off-centre and chills you to the core. if you want a review read zh's blog lol. some hardcore film critic there.

dinner... massive angst-outpouring with zh. we trashed out all the pent-up thoughts about BMT and life and how it's all a raw deal and stuff. catharsis.


so yeah. today was pretty uneventful; got up, read papers/economist, did the BMT reflections (3*600 word reflections -.-) and packed, and wrote posts, and am steeling myself to leave home in 1 hour and be at the bus interchange by 9:15. oh well. it was a really good CNY though.

should be back on fri night; meanwhile I'll be posting via adam, hopefully a couple of posts through the week. till then,




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was your interviewer Dr K. Tan? I got the same interviewer too. =) Tell me about what he said about LSE plspls? I don't have good impression of LSE when I came across the 'Erik Ringmar' incident (not sure what's that called)...

Do you mean NS people must write reflections after BMT? :O :O

2/12/2008 1:37 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

yes it was him haha. he basically said lse standards dropped after the 60s cos lots of pro european professors who went to UK to escape the holocaust got poached by US unis lah. dunno about the erik ringmar incident.

and yeah we've got to write reflections THROUGHOUT BMT. lol

2/15/2008 9:03 pm  

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