Sunday, February 24, 2008


wow i really should clean up the language on this blog. not fit for public consumption yeah? my mom found it, my cousin reads it (ugh), and more people than i ever imagined know about it. hrmph.

and what with all the f's and k-n-n's in camp, i'm really getting sick of people who swear gratuitously. especially when, as with some people, the swearing is the main course, and not the spice and garnish of the conversation. you should know what i mean; i'm talking about those people who say 'fuck' because it's fashionable; the in-thing. who craft a sentence so as to slip in the magic word 'fuck', that they believe will guarantee them entry into the secret enticing l33t world of the adult; the hip crowd of groupies who swear and party and go clubbing and, yes, even smoke.

IMHO that's incredibly juvenile, even though it used to be something that i believed in a long time ago. 'fuck' is a word used for high provocation; it's not something you throw in for kicks (which i admittedly do do occasionally on this blog); you don't say "wah fuck lah must fall in again at (time)", that just makes you look like a serious nubcaek who might actually be improved with a frontal lobotomy. partying and clubbing might be cool but obviously not to excess. smoking is frankly pretty sick; it literally stinks, and your mood sucks when you don't have a cig around - can see that from those sergeants who smoke, they have incredible mood swings.

anyway so... i guess i'll scale down the profanity on this blog. if only so that the govt spy-dudes manning the computer desks don't keep on updating the file they keep on me.


by the way, just to be pedantic, words like 'fuck', 'shit', 'hell' and 'bloody' among others are more properly considered profanities rather than vulgarities. go look it up; 'profanity' is generally understood to refer specifically to bad language, while 'vulgarity' has a broader meaning that includes crude or distasteful behaviour (not necessarily language). really does chills me to the bone when people refer to the unprintable words as "vulgarities".

bloody turd-for-brains dickheads.



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