Friday, August 01, 2008

my week.

This has been one heck of a week. Had a sleepness Monday night digging holes and laying fake explosive charges on a road for some scenario mission thingy. The details would bore both you and me: you in the reading and me in the recounting. Then Wed-Fri was 3 full days of some practical test/evaluation thingy. Other than that, a bird shat on my back, and the guard duty list came out - without my name on it. These 2 events may or may not be related.

I should explain the last point: I was supposed to get 3 extra duties - including a weekend guard duty - they even got as far as giving me the dates - but strangely when the list for August came out my name wasn't on it. Amazing. My dad always said bird droppings are a good omen. O.o


What else can I say? I've been too tired to have many amusing or interesting thoughts. Guess I should get back to reading the Economist and use my McKinsey Quarterly account more actively, among other things. I am perilously devoid of a healthy reading diet and current-affairs analysis. The Straits Times isn't the best way to cultivate a mind - especially a mind that's been in fallow for as long as mine. And I'm often given to understatement.

I should like some good company this bookout.



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