Wednesday, November 07, 2007

post paper paranoia

this is incredibly loser. it was about 2:58 in the stats paper, and i'd just entered the definite integral into the GC, can't rmb which question number but it was the (x^2)sin(x) rotation thing. ok. imagine my horror as time was called while the calculator was taking its bloody sweet time to find out the integral. i got the freaking wrong answer, i knew it, but i couldn't write it down. wtfwtfwtf. damndamndamn 2 marks gone like that screwit, disappearing literally before my very eyes. i could kick myself so bad. so bad.

i bet you're laughing your ass off out there. screwit. wtf.

damn, i made some really careless mistakes, like confusing list 1 and list 2 for the regression question... blew half an hour figuring that one out. that stats paper was really bad. the galling thing is that it was avoidably bad. shit. if i get a B for maths (or worse!) my LSE dreams are blown. probably my scholarship dreams too.

even worse, my fingers were fumbling like crap, tying the string, after i discovered i screwed up the definite integral. i bloody hope i tied the thing properly or else i can't even get a U if my paper falls apart before it reaches cambridge. hell... that's a chilling possibility i don't even want to contemplate. yah i wrote my name on all the pieces of paper but that's not going to help if three of them are floating in the indian ocean, is it? gahhhh. majorly screwed up.

i give up. i'm debilitatingly worried and stressed. this is bad, i couldn't concentrate on mugging geog today.

i've been listening to good stuff for two hours now; beethoven 9th symphony has failed to calm my nerves, as has smetana, sibelius and a whole load of other stuff. my nerves are still frayed. doesn't help that i think i'm developing tinnitus ugh. i can hear a moderately loud but indeterminate chord at all times, there's a D in it but whatever it is it's driving me nuts

i might have to prepare to go to a conservatory after all -.- but then what if i go deaf. shit.


ehh ming, you didn't answer the third question - M/F?
and so i know you from ri/rjc, and no 'ming' isn't part of your real name? not kidding? hrm.
well... here goes:

4. are you j2?

remember no lying.


i hope i can get into a better state of mind tmrw. for econs. damn maths. why did i screw up the most fucking dumb things? this is really very bad. the A levels have suddenly taken on a haunting, dark and forbidding aspect.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I didn't make my answers clear enough.

2 'Yes'(es?) and 1 'No' for the first three questions.

Answer to Qn 4: Yes

(I believe you can guess my identity correctly by the tenth question. So may I choose not to read your blog and disappear? Haha)

- Ming

11/08/2007 3:16 pm  

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