Wednesday, September 26, 2007


first image ever on this blog: got it from wikipedia

it's strange, i guess, humour. i found this darkly funny at first sight, and still do. however i'm pretty sure that not all of the people i know would respond to it in quite the same way as i did: when I showed it to wally he made no comment at all; adam's first reaction was lolll and some comment about the darwin award haha.

if you didn't find it funny, i find it funny that you didn't find it funny.

(did you find that funny?)

now for something completely different: i was listening to a bbc 7 comedy show yesterday, the news quiz (it was on listen again but probably not available now), and they were talking about tagging teenage offenders on the wrist so they can be tracked by the police or something. here's a snippet that i found hilarious but i'm sure that out of my best friends only 2 would get it - and i can quite confidently predict which two: adam and jx. *
Linda Smith: Don't you think it's silly? Teenagers: you don't need to tag them, just shove them in front of a Playstation with a bucket of sugar, they're not going to move [audience laughter]

[some comment from the chairman]

Jeremy Hardy: Thing is, I think you generally know what a teenager's wrist is doing in the evening, don't you? [lots of male laughs] And how big a movement can the tracker pick up? [more laughter]

Phil Hammond: At least they're getting some exercise. Twenty minutes, 3 times a week until you draw sweat, that's all you need. [yet more laughs, especially from Jeremy Hardy cracking up]

Jeremy Hardy: You get sweat?! [pretty much continuous laughter from now]

Phil Hammond: Both hands, Jeremy, both hands...
the key to that is understanding what Jeremy Hardy and Phil Hammond were referring to...

i found it funny the first time, then on replaying the clip i was slightly mortified that i got it immediately, and then i found it funny that i was mortified. such is my twisted sense of humour.

* i tested this on one of them, and i was right lol



Blogger thanks for all the fish said...

oh LOL. (the picture. don't WANT to know what they are talking about.) (..what ARE they talking about?)

9/26/2007 11:30 am  

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