Friday, November 09, 2007

more gratuitous angst

getting sick of mugging. right so the payoff is really good if you can get your 4 As; you get to burn 3 or 4 years of your life away in a really nice place in the US or UK, and another 6 years as loyal civil servant helping the people of this lovely island live their lives which is not too crappy a bargain, seeing as you've burnt the preceeding 4 years on careless socialising partying and whatnot (not like i'm the kind of person who would lah, probably end up a no-life shit like the rest of us. malaysia-singapore society *shudder*).

but hell, i don't know if what i'm doing is right, or going to help... maths was a bummer, so was gp cos i don't really think the marker would appreciate me raving on about sibelius without really making a point. not looking forward to A&C, my answer will probably be incoherent as usual cos i have absolutely no idea what to make of antony and cleo, not to mention octavius, rome, egypt, the use of language, or the play in general. econs is a scary thought, i think i know what went wrong with my essays, but i still don't know if i can do the right things in exam conditions.

(incidentally the expression from that rotation question was still there on my gc, and i figured why i screwed up - cos i typed in ((x^2)sin(x))2 instead of ((x^2)sin(x))^2. so my answer was right after all, IF I DIDN'T READ THE WRONG LIMITS. bollocks.)

yeah. damn. what a life. my only consolation is that i'm not the only one: solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris (it is a comfort to the unfortunate to have companions in woe.)

but damn it, you people are going to do brilliantly and run off to harvard, princeton, chicago, cambridge, oxford, lse or some wonderful place or other. and if things don't turn out right for me i'm just fucked. so thats the only thought sustaining me right now, more or less. well, life has to suck for some of us: does it really have to be me?


zhaohan have you put the cd in my locker?

what's that, a sheepish look on your face?

damn j00.

lend me/send me the ysaye ballade plx i want to do a piano transcription after this A level shit is over.


so yes, ming. since you are j2, and i hardly know any j2s outside rjc, i'm assuming that i know you from RI/RJC: which means either you're a girl and ming's not in your name (wtf? then why the nickname huh?) or you're a guy and ming's in your name.

5. ming loong?



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I should have disappeared earlier! =/

- Ming

11/09/2007 1:51 pm  
Blogger a adhiyatma said...

I told you.


11/09/2007 7:37 pm  

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