Tuesday, May 27, 2008

a quickie

This'll be quick, cos it's a night out and i've gotta go in half an hour's time. First two days in engineers - almost all lectures, which everyone slept through without the slightest hint of shame wafting through the auditorium lmao. Heck, it was completely useless and half the time the lecturer didn't know his stuff either. True, I've forgotten how to explain "adiabatic lapse rate" but if he can't I'm not going to try.

Other than that, our bunks suck (not even a hot water dispenser, the thing's designed like 60s-era one-room flats although from the outside it looks damn nice), but the food is quite awesome - by SAF standards. Except for today's lunch they fed us (among other things) tofu stewed in soy sauce, some beancurd dessert AND soya milk. Overkill! Yeah I know soyabean's freaking versatile but is this some sinister plot by Singapore Food Industries to hike up our estrogen production? O.o


I'm also starting to revisit, emotionally and mentally, the first 3 months of this year. I guess I was too caught up in my own sorrows and concerns to realise that my dad was slipping away; and when he got weaker, lost appetite and started sleeping more, I didn't actually know that it wasn't because he wanted to, it was because he couldn't do more. He'd always be there, when it mattered, and now that he isn't... it's an empty, lonely, smallish feeling.

And yeah, to you out there it might seem cliched, but it's made me treasure the friends and family that I have, much more. Why? I dunno - perhaps something like this drives you to rethink all that you hold dear, or it makes you so keenly aware and regretful of the times that you were a cold ungrateful selfish little asswipe (yes I was.) and consequently want to give yourself and your love to the people who matter. And yes, I am Classic Introvert; it takes a lot to be admitted to my innermost circle of friends, but those who are there do mean something significant to me. Yup Adam, I guess that's why I can't just 'let things be'.

Oh fux gotta run now.



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