Monday, October 13, 2008


I've been listening to it again, and it struck me how elegant the d-minor brahms piano concerto is. I'd never heard the first and second movements properly but I've always loved the third, with that bold furious statement of intent from the piano and the exhilarating scales and arpeggios. And now that my technique is approaching the point where I can finally dream of playing stuff like that (I flatter myself, but still!) it seemed worth a re-listen. Yes it's early brahms but it's already brahms the master, not a note out of place, everything calculated, everything in shape, in time, fitting together like some infinite jigsaw, yet spreading out inexorably in space and time... Everything so inevitable, as though the F was designed to fall into the E, to be swallowed up by D... as though the laws of the universe decreed it.

shuttup now rayner. shuttup.



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