Pachelbel's Canon
"The cello part in Pachelbel's canon is the most boring part ever written. It's 8 quarter notes repeated... 54 times - I counted, because I had nothing else to do... [note: Paravonian's count is exaggerated] I hated this piece. The violins got lovely melodies. The second violins got lovely melodies. The violas got lovely melodies, which should never happen. The cellists, we got eight notes. And if you ever wonder why, I think I've figured it out. I think Pachelbel must have dated a cellist, and she dissed him really bad. And so he just gave the cellists the worst parts he could ever think of. And you know, I wouldn't be bitter about it, except the man is following me. He's been dead for like 300 years but he's popping up everywhere."
- Rob Paravonian
Labels: Everything, Music