Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Wow it's been an incredibly long time since I updated, for the simple reason that life hasn't been that happening. I assume some people blog to give meaning to their life, others to document noteworthy stuff that's happened to them; I personally haven't felt the need for such direction, and my daily existence has become so humdrum as to be noteworth-less.

Let me give you an example - I play Civilization IV, and I've recently downloaded a new mod. This one is so arcane that it makes the vanilla game a walk in the park. As you might know, Civilization is turn-based. A 'quick' game is 700 turns; in the early game you have maybe 10 turns a minute, maybe more. By the time you reach turn 400+ (which in the 'real' timescale is the Victorian era), you're down to a turn a minute because of the 30+ computer opponents on a huge Earth map. By the time you reach about turn 600 (which is the furthest I've got on the noble difficulty setting), you're down to one turn every 3 minutes - which means the last 1/7 of the game (assuming you don't win it before that) takes 5 hours, most of which is spent staring at the screen waiting for the computer opponents' turns. I have taken to practicing completing the square while waiting, but I've reached turn 600 and in the slide towards futility I seem to have left the point of no return behind me long ago.

But I've decided to reverse the slide and turn causality on its head, in a sense. I've decided that maybe I should use blogging as an impetus to give direction to my life. I thought Facebook might replace blogging (notes, wall posts etc.) but Facebook's social activity is entirely derivative. If you don't already have an active social life then you're reduced to posting videos and links and comments on other people's videos and links. By contrast blogging is primary, original, creative in nature (at least more so than facebooking).

Let's see how long this motivation lasts; I give it two days.
