Wednesday, December 22, 2004

damn those insects

I hate those little flies. They drop from the ceiling like... fruit bats and lie on your spacebar for a second then before you can swipe it off it crawls into your keyboard and never comes out again.

my keyboard is extremely dusty. i guess if we had one of those surgical cameras we could film a horror film inside my keyboard. it has the right amount of light, and you never know when the ceiling'll collapse. and there are little dead flies lying around too. isn't that fascinating?

the worst insects are the large ants which shed their wings all within 2 days of each other. then you have ants an inch long depositing their wings in your keyboard and crawling around on your computer table before they fall to their death 60 cm below. or until you smash them.



ack! i haven't been here for about a hundred years now. you can guess can't you.

well i've been busy doing nothing. do you know what nothing is? it's what i've been posting on this blog for the last, say, 2 weeks.

blogging is a good idea. if i didn't blog during the 8 week holiday my fingers might atrophy and drop off. cos i don't practise anyway.

blogging is also a good idea cos it helps you to practise your english. or italian if you happen to be blogging in italian. or klingon for that matter.

i think blogging is good: it helps exercise the brain. see? in the last three paras i've articulated roughly the same thing but 3 different sentence structures. muhaha i rule Wolrd. Wolrd is the name of my... pet cheese. it's parmesan.

parmesan cheese stinks but people put it on pizzas and pastas. (technically i think you say pizzi and pasti because that's what the italians do. but that sounds hilarious.) i keep my cheese in airtight containers to let it age like wine. cos the stench is what makes it extra special.

after seeing this, i guess you won't be eating cheese in a hurry, will you?

blogging is also good because it helps you to find random connections between things. 3 paras ago i subtly switched two letters around and rewired your brain as a result.

what will you have for christmas eve? not guests, or babies, or even the act of giving forth the aforementioned; i'm talking about food. dinner. will you have pasti or pizzi avec parmesan cheesi from italia? or turkey? i mean the bird not the country. but then again turkey probably makes cheese. haha. i think i'd like roast beef because beef tastes really good. and potatoes and real bacon bits

i hate those bacon bits that come in plastic containers these days, cos they're made of soya bean extracts. have i told you about soya bean extracts yet? mcdonalds makes their meat patties with msg (monosodium glutamate), soya bean extracts, plasticine and salt.

i think i should stop now before someone sues me. that's one of the bad things about blogging. haha.


Monday, December 06, 2004

YO Concert

After last thursday's RISE concert, saturday's was so relaxed. First the atmosphere at 2:45 when I came in was totally cool. happy. froody. Half the people charged in at 2:55 or so. And i don't think we started till 3:10. Rehearsals were happy. Beethoven went well, Bach went well, Mozart went well, Gabrieli, well I don't know much about Gabrieli but i think it went well. The brasses actually played so i think it went well. Never mind that we had never practised. Everyone was feeling happily froody.

So we had a great concert. Gabrieli went well i guess. Bach was actually fast for once, and the soloists managed to stay together for the first time ever. Bravo! And the first movement felt like a dance the way it should be. Mozart was a bit boring but everyone was smiling. Except for Mr Seow who was shaking his head expressively at the lights haha. He did a great job. and the cadenzas were fantastic. Bravo too! Beethoven was just fantastic, everyone made as much sound as they could, all the movements were lively, energetic, brilliant, happy. And we did the second movement as an encore (Casteels the joker). And all the public displays of emotion were wonderful.

I like YO. Except when the first violins laugh too much. haha

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